Monday, February 9, 2009

Hayden turns 12!!

What a handsome yet crazy kid!! (Next time I am making him brush his teeth before the photo!) And getting him to give me a real smile instead of the I'm a maniac in the making look!

Tying his own tie!! He was so sweet-he kept saying the only thing I want for my birthday is one of those vesty things the guys were to church. You mean a suit coat? Yah, that. Thank heavens for Burlington Coat Factory! He sure looks sharp. I am somewhere between tears and a giggle watching him pass the sacrament. He looks so sharp and takes the resposibility of the preisthood very seriously.

We are so blessed to have Hayden in our family. He is great fun to be around and keeps the conversation going. What a special time!

Here are a couple of friends having Bubblegum pie at the party.


1 comment:

Penny said...

Happy Birthday Hayden from all your cousins in Switzerland! We think you are awesome and a great example!