Monday, February 9, 2009

10 doctos apponitments in 8 days

YIKES! First-we take Dallin to the developmental pediatric neurologist specialist. We get the confirmed diagnosis that Dallin does have Asperger's Syndrome (a high-functioning form of autism). So, now we are equipped with counselors and social skills classes and a note saying "Do not Fail this kid in P.E."

Next, Hayden and Dallin have their yearly check-up, which they haven't had for the past 3 years. All is well but they need some immunizations. The next day, each of their arms is swollen , red and HOT.

Hayden's is about 3x 2 inches and Dallin's is 2x2. We have to take them to the after hours clinic. The dr. there thinks it may be a local reaction, but outline it with a marker and make sure it doesn't get bigger.

The next morning, Hayden's has grown to about 5 1/2 inches x2 inches and Dallin's remains the same. Since Jacob and Emma have their yearly exam this day, I take all 4 kids down there. Our pediatrician says it is a local reaction that is seen maybe in 1 out if 50 kids and how odd is that that both of my kids had the reaction. Well-needless to say, we did not give Jacob his chicken pox booster that day.

Then-a couple of days later, I take Hayden in to do the allergy scratch test. As background-this kid has had allergies since he was about 3. He has been on and off all sorts of allergy medications. Steve had to get allergy shots as a teenager, Jacob has eczema, and all of my kids have these rough little bumps on their tgriceps which are a genetic allergy sign. So-we fill out the 15-page questionnaire, the Dr. says all the signs point to allergies, let's do the scratching. So-the gal comes in, gives him about 20 allergens and then we wait. Absolutely nothing! Only the test spot worked. Are you kidding me?! The doctor comes back and says, we're going to do some more. So, in comes the gal and on the backs of both his arms, he gets another 10 or so allergen.s. We wait, again-NOTHING!! Maybe a tiny spot for dog and cat, but the nurse thinks not really.

So-the doctor comes in and says weird, but about half the people that present with allergy symptoms do not have a allergen trigger. So-we have a new nose spray and eye drop to try. Pretty crazy.

As an update, the boys arm redness went away and everything seems fine.


stacey said...

WOW! Guess I should spell chek my stuff before I publish it. Sorry-

Penny said...

Boy, that all sounds like a lot of fun! Z had the same reaction last October when he got some of his booster shots. We just went in today for some more shots, so we will see how big of a welt he has in the morning. Also 2 of my 4 have the raised bumps on their triceps (and face, and back of their legs)--although M is the only one who really manifests a lot of allergies. I am blaming it on the Atchleys. Here, they just did a blood test for allergies, no scratching. Good luck with all that!