Friday, September 12, 2008

NY on 9/11

Steve was on a business trip for the week and flew home out of La Guardia airport on 9/11. He said all of Manhattan was full of memorials, parades, and other remembrances. He wished he had more time to visit Ground Zero. The highlight of his trip-or rather the biggest adventure on his trip-was stopping in Queens to gas up the rental car. Fortunately it was in broad daylight, but even then he wasn't 100% sure it was safe. He brought all the kids these classic shirts. We missed you and glad you returned safe and sound!


Penny said...

It would be very interesting to be in NYC on a 9/11 anniversary---and would come with a lot of mixed emotions I am sure---sadness about what happened mingled with the pride of how NY has risen above it. I have to tell Stacey she is brave to let Steve fly out on 9/11---I think I would have been just a little nervous.

Penny said...

Forgot to say cute shirts on cute kids!

kaleyq said...

We're glad your hubby's home too! I'm ready for a trip to NY--how about you?! Cute shirts for your cute kiddos!