Monday, September 29, 2008

Family Council

WOW!! Obviously Sunday afternoon family council is one of the highlights of our life! Even Steve looks bored to death. However painful it seems-it must be done or our crazy life is becomes out of control real fast! It is actually one of my favorite times of the week. It's a time to connect with the kids and Steve, to make sure that we all know what each member of our family is doing so we can support them. It is a time to celebrate everyone's accomplishments and encourage those who struggle. It's a time for evaluating the path we are on-and make adjustments as necessary. It's a time to reminisce and laugh with kids who want to hear stories of when they were little (like that was so long ago). It's a time, that even with all the bad attitudes, gives me a glimpse of heaven to come.

1 comment:

Lori said...

This picture totally cracks me up! Love it!!