Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our little snow bunny

Emma can hardly wait for it to snow. She keeps asking when the cabin will be built so she can go play in the snow. This will be the first time we have ever been able to spend some time in McCall during winter. (Sounds like Emma wants to spend the entire winter up there.) It is also the first time Emma has had snow pants. So far she has worn them every day since we purchased them. Steve's glad she's getting use out of them. As you can see by her mittens being on the wrong hands and upside down-she's also in the independent stage, not that she's ever had any other stage in her life.
As an aside-I am more than happy with the Fall weather we've been having. It is absolutely beautiful! And-I'm super grateful that we will have a warm cabin to go to after playing in the snow so we can thaw out and drink hot cocoa.

1 comment:

mary jane said...

Stacey! I am so glad I found your blog. I followed the trail after you left the comment on mine, and voila! You have adorable kids. So fun to see what you have been up to.

I have to say I laughed so hard when I got that letter from you...oh my gosh. Thank you!!! Can you believe how silly we were? Thank goodness for patient leaders, huh? That was so fun to get that from you. I don't have your email address...but email me and I will send my menu right on over! mj@