Sunday, July 13, 2008

Alma 53:20

So in our family scripture study one night, we are reading in Alma about the Stripling Warriors. This verse really stood out to me. The qualities listed are ones I wish for my children to possess. And as a mother, how do you emphasize them without lecturing? Here was my plan...A friend in the ward does the vinyl lettering you can stick on the walls. I ordered this scripture from her-as big as I could get. The boys rooms are all at the end of the hall in the basement and I put the scripture on that wall. Now everytime they walk down the hall, they will be looking right at that scripture (and hopefully reading it). On the wall next to it, I have that picture of Helaman on his horse with all the Stripling Warriors. I wanted my boys to envision themselves as those warriors, so I took pictures of them to hang next to the real version. Well-of course the boys could only be serious for so long and to get all 3 of them looking warrior-esque at the same time. Let's just say they needed some comic relief. I told them to look like they were ready to fight like warriors. Watch out bad guys-here come the Atchley boys!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hey Stacey! Love this idea for your boys!! I saw your post on my blog. We are on Oahu but NOT Waikiki area. We are lovin' it!